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August 29th - 31st

"A riot is the language of the unheard" - Martin Luther King Jr


Letter from the Secretary-General

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I couldn’t feel more honored to serve as Secretary-General for this 9th edition of SMUN. It really brings me hope that in the middle of all the turbulent conflicts our world currently faces, diplomatic simulations are still so appealing and manage to unite so many young people each year. 


Since my first time debating, I could easily recognize the importance and grandiosity of MUN conferences, as well as just all the fun that comes along with them. So for SMUN 2024, I wish you all to share my excitement in partaking in such an amazing event. Use this opportunity to increase your sense of collectivity in decision-making, explore your argumentative and leadership skills, deepen your understanding of global issues, and last but not least: to have fun!


Together with the Organizing Team, I will put my thoughts into every detail so that SMUN can be an incredible learning opportunity for all participants. Our job as organizers is to provide you with the best experience possible, along with to help the spirit of diplomacy really flourish within everyone. Hence, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time, and may our conference’s theme this year guide us - the ‘leaders of tomorrow’- to build a less violent and more collaborative future.


See you in August,


Ana Clara Thá | SMUN ‘24 - Secretary-General

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What is SMUN?

Held annually by Colégio Suíço-Brasileiro de Curitiba, SMUN is a conference planned to bring the youth closer together and to engage young minds in discussions related to serious global issues. We believe that by passing on education and the UN principles of diplomacy, cooperation, respect and critical thinking, we as a society move one step forward in our fight for world peace. SMUN encourages delegates to be receptive to new ways of seeing the world’s pressing conflicts through three days of intense debate. Each year, at the end of our final sessions, the outcome of the delegates’ teamwork never fails to amaze us with the development of such innovative new policies present in their Resolutions. Thus, it was inevitable that - since its beginning- SMUN would become one of the most awaited events of the year for our students.

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