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Heloísa Ziolkowski served as Secretary-General for the 8th SMUN, in 2023. This conference was inspired by the words of Winston Churchill “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it” and sponsored by Condor, Cultura Inglesa and Daqui Pra Fora. There were 7 committees, including special and double-delegation ones: UNSC, ECOSOC, UNHRC, European Council, Varga’s Gabinet, Dayton Agreement, US Founding Fathers. Around 205 people among CHPR delegates, students from 8 outside schools, independent delegations, Crisis and Press teams could enjoy the three amazing days of SMUN ‘23.

Hannes Lübke was the Secretary-General of our first in-person conference after the pandemic, SMUN ‘22. Then, our school was filled again with around 170 people with delegates from CHPR, 8 outside schools and even those who attended independently. This edition’s Committees were: The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Topic: The Death of Lenin), UNHRC (Topic: Elaborating an international consensus on using the Death Penalty for severe crimes), UNSC (Topic: Addressing the current gang violence in Haiti), WHO (Topic: Debating Ways To Eliminate Female Genital Mutilation) and ECOSOC (Topic: Development of strategies to recover the global economy from consequences of BREXIT). After 2 years of debating online, students were more than excited for these 3 days of face to face discussions accompanied with amazing Crisis and Press teams.
Around 80 people took part in SMUN ‘21, organized by the Secretary-General Laura Stahel.
Delegates from CHPR and 7 outside schools were able to connect through ZOOM to 4 committees: ECOSOC (Topic A: Regulation Cryptocurrency Usage Worldwide, Topic B: Achieving sustainable production and distribution of global commodities), UNSC (Topic: Discussing the territorial disputes in the South (and East) China Sea), Historical Council UNSC (Topic: The Korean War of 1950 & Political Repression of Koreans and Prisoners of War) and UNHRC (Debating laws criminalizing homosexuality and transgender people, Topic B: Developing measures to protect journalists). There is no doubt that this SMUN showed that diplomacy between nations stands strong even in times of isolation.

Secretary-General Paulo Miranda faced the unexpected challenge of developing an online conference, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Still, unity and collaboration overcame any distance barriers, and students could feel more connected than ever through fun confraternization moments such as a Talent Show! ZOOM rooms held around 60 delegates engaged in discussions among the Cuban Council of Ministers and The European Union, Latin America and Caribbean Foundation (EULAC). The theme for SMUN 2020 was “The Past and Future of Latin America” and it successfully brought awareness to all delegates about our own history & roots.
SMUN ‘19 had Giovanna Tigges as its Secretary-General and Cultura Inglesa as its sponsor. CHPR students, delegates from 4 outside schools and independent delegations accounted for around 150 people among the 7 committees: United Nations Security Council, World Trade Organization, Second United Front, Congress of Vienna, UNHRC, British House of Commons and the Forbes Global CEO Conference. Furthermore, the conference had an amazing Crisis and Press teams, as well as the opportunity for delegates to debate together - as double delegations.

In 2018, Angela Machado served as Secretary-General for a conference sponsored by Cultura Inglesa and in collaboration with UNICURITIBA. Around 100 people, including from 6 outside schools and independent delegates, partook in the following committees: ECOSOC (Topic: Discussing the economic and social impacts of the war in Afghanistan), UNSC (Topic: Discussing a cease-fire in the War in Afghanistan), UNHRC (Topic: Tackling Human Rights violations in Central America), and the League of Arab States (Topic: Addressing the Libyan Refugee Crisis).
Ulf Kemmsies was our second Secretary-General, for an edition which accounted for around 120 people. A main idea for SMUN ‘17 was to have constant changes throughout the sessions and put delegates under extreme pressure. Hence, the conference featured really creative Directives and Crises, which often interlinked between committees. Besides the Crises and Press Team, this edition also included ECOSOC, UNSC, WHO, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Financial Corporation. In these committees, CHPR students and delegates from 5 outside organizations, including UNICURITIBA, engaged in 3 days of very fruitful discussions.

In 2016, Secretary-General Henrique Mulinari started the SMUN tradition. This first edition featured a President of the General Assembly - Ulf Kemmsies - and a total of 4 committees: UNHRC (TOPIC A: Female Genital Mutilation, TOPIC B: Capital Punishment), Scientific and Technological Subcommittee of Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (TOPIC A: Deepspace Missions, TOPIC B: Profit in the Outerspace), The UN Comission on Narcotic Drugs (TOPIC: Ending the War on Drugs) and ECOSOC (TOPIC A: Dealing with Brexit, TOPIC B: Islam multiculturalism).